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Discover Liguria

Hotel in Imperia

Olive groves and vineyards, mediteranean vegetation and terraced land, green silvery forests and woods: this is the image one takes home after having visited the hinterland of Imperia.

Imperia, both Oneglia e Porto Maurizio, for decades has discovered its vocation for tourism, with all kinds of events and attractions among which the "Vele d'Epoca" an exhibition of vintage ships. Arriving in the town from Capo Berta you can see the old noble villas and their appealing gardens, while in the old villages of Lucinasco, Borgomaro, Dolcedo o Vasia produce olive oil still adopting some ancient traditional methods: interesting places to visit are the artisan oil mills in the valleys and the local art, among castle ruins, churches rich in treasures and spotting towers with their tales of plundering and pilfering of the past by pirates.

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