Diano Castello ,a small town of 2.238 inhabitants, its territory is in the Dianese valley on a hill which dominates the plain including the mouth of the stream of San Pietro and, in the valley floor, the coastal towns of Diano Marina and Cervo. The territory is made up of, apart from the chief town, the single district of Varcarello and the historic hamlets of Ferretti, Madonna della Neve, Monade, San Siro e Santa Lucia on a surface of 6.11sqkms.
The church of Santa Maria Assunta has a romanesque structure whch dates back to between XII and XIII centuries, while the adjoining belfry results in baroque style. The apse is characterized by continuous bowing with images of proteomes ,the latter being typical of other places of worship in that period in Ponente Ligure. Other elements of structure refer only to romanesque and non-gothic styles: the monofora, small archways and overhead cornices, small crossed windows of the gable and the ashlar masonry of simple dimension.Inside, above the main altar is a triptych portraying the Madonna con santi; on the left altar there is a painting of Santa Lucia with other saints: the wooden panel picturing Saint Anna holding the Virgin Mary on her lap and who is in turn holding the Baby Jesus.
The church of San Nicola di Bari is decorated in baroque style inside and over the main marble altar is the crucifix, attributed to the Genovese sculptor Anto Maria Maragliano. Sructurally the parish church of Diano Castello presents some analogues with that of San Giovanni Battista of Cervo.
"Festa in Ciassa" during the summer period.
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