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IMPERIA - Riviera dei FIori

IMPERIA - Riviera dei FIori

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Perinaldo Territory:

Perinaldo is a small town with 915 inhabitants where the Verbone stream rises from its hill and flows into the sea in Vallecrosia. ( More Less )

Cultural Perinaldo:

The Museum of "Giovanni Domenico Cassini".

The town astronomical observatory “Giovanni Domenico Cassini”. On 27 October 2012, the mayor of the town was given a certificate relative to the official naming of asteroide 7556 Perinaldo.

The parish church of San Nicola di Bari was built over another XI century building and was enlargened between 1465 and 1480 by means of Antelami(Benedetto Antelami artist and sculpture) masters from Taggia.

The Oratory of San Benedetto. The present church was built in 1580 to substitute the old site, already present in early 1500s, because it was believed to be too small and narrow to hold all the brothers of the Society of San Benedetto.Oratorio di San Benedetto.

The church of Santa Giusta, situated along the newly paved road which runs along the foot of Mount Caggio. From the adjacent open space the church enjoys an extraordinary viewof the town.

Sports in Perinaldo:

In Perinaldo there is a game fishing lake, in the Funtanin district, the first of its kind in the province of Imperia.

Escursions in Perinaldo:

Some rambler enthusiasts have suggested this short itnerary in addition to the countless ones which can be done on initiative:

Events in Perinaldo:

The feasts of the artichoke of Perinaldo and the extra-virgin olive oli of taggiasca olives are in May, in the historic centre of Perinaldo:

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