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Discover Liguria

Hotel in Finalborgo


On the Touring Club list of the most beautiful villages of Italy, Finalborgo develops inside its ancient well preserved walls.

Artisan workshops, Art galleries and ample medieval courts : the local traditions and the prosperity of this small town can be noticed in its rich artistic, cultural and wine and food heritage. The great complex of the ex convent of Santa Caterina, founded in 1359 and rebuilt after two centuries with the addition of two renaissance cloisters, today it is the Civic Museum of Finale, which exhibits interesting archaelogical material. The annex church of the Superga used to safeguard the tomb of the Del Carretto family and has a series of frescoes of the 15th century.

Very interesting is the busy programme of events, exhibitions, most of all and the summer events, in particular the wine and food festivals which celebrate the excellence of the ligurian territory and its traditions: not to be missed is Finaleborgo Medieval which takes place each year at the end of august.

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